Are You Experiencing Bouts of Unhappiness, Unworthiness or Feel Like You've Lost Yourself?


WHATEVER IT IS THAT'S TROUBLING YOU, HAVING negative thoughts and inner dialogue WITH yourself every day, ISN'T HELPFUL.

ACTIONS LIKE THIS effect how you act and behave AS A PERSON, WHICH MAY lead to anxiety, STRESS, depression and toxic relationships with yourself and others.

You can stop the habit loop and install new thought patterns that are helpful and constructive with Rapid Transformational Therapy

Your belief system is formed by a number of things like your upbringing, childhood, trauma and environment. What happened to you in your past can start to show up in your present as anger, resentment, jealousy and insecurity. It's not your fault, it's just how your mind works.

90% of what you do each day comes directly from your subconscious mind therefore you are often feeling, acting and responding to situations from a belief you may be unaware you hold. Upgrading your thought process to be in alignment with you, is the quickest and most powerful way to create lasting change.

How You Can Benefit

When you identify the reason and root cause of your problem you have the power to change it. Clients who I work with normally get results after the first session, depending on the issue it could take upto 3 sessions.

The process uses hypnotherapy to uncover the root cause of

your problem and how it's linked to the symptoms, habits and triggers you are experiencing today.

Accessing the subconscious mind through hypnotherapy is the quickest and most powerful way to create lasting change. Results are experienced after the first session and are fully embedded by the end of the 90 days.

Sessions can either be in-person on online so no matter where you are in the world, you have access to Rapid Transformational Therapy.

These are the areas I specialise in and can help you overcome:

  • Finding Your Purpose  
  • Anxiety / Depression
  • Confidence
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Menopause / PMS
  • Stress
  • Sex / Relationships
  • Weight Loss
  • Cancer
  • Addiction
  • Auto Immune Conditions  
  • Money Blocks
  • Eating Disorders 
  • Phobias / Fears
  • Sleep / Insomnia
  • Public Speaking
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Grief / Bereavement 

to discuss your requirements in complete confidence, book your free no obligation chat with me today

What Our Clients Say


My main issues was around worthlessness and the decisions I was making was based upon this. I’d done a lot of personal development work, but still not got to the root cause of it.

Rapid Transformational Therapy has been a revelation as it went straight to root cause .. although I was aware of childhood issues, the experience I had during RTT clarified and revealed itself and when dealing with the inner child, you need the space to be heard.
It has taken away the negative platform that I was working from and helped me to start from a new platform, one of health and wholeness!

It has been an amazing experience that has transformed my life.


I had reached a point where I was desperately low in my thoughts, feelings and self confidence. I couldn’t make sense of myself as I didn’t feel enough.

From the outset Sharon was understanding and considerate, which made me feel at ease and I found myself opening up to you. The session of RTT truly blew me away by the depths we reached.
I am now in a place where I am no longer ruled by my past self negative thoughts, no longer doubtful of my position in life. My confidence grows daily and my self-esteem is increasing. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you, Sharon. What you have done is nothing short of miraculous; you have helped me to regain my very best self and have the confidence to move back into the life I have been struggling to fit into. My family and friends are aware of the changes in me, and I know they are grateful too. You went over and above to help me, thank you Sharon.


The 2 main issues that I wanted RTT to help with were losing weight and the ability to prioritise my health without feeling guilty. It went a long way to helping me identify that I associate food with emotion and helping me break the cycle. It has also helped me to feel less guilty about life trade offs for example, I want to finish work early to go training.

RTT has really made me think about some of the deep rooted thoughts and associations in my mind and since having the session and following on with the daily meditations it has really put in to my mind when I reach for a snack whether I really need it, or is it just a bad habit/emotional reaction. 99 times out of 100, I dont need the snack, so I walk away!

This has really helped with my overall well-being and have felt less up tight/stressed. I am really pleased and happy with the outcome.


My issue was lack of motivation to exercise and Rapid Transformational Therapy helped me to understand that past experiences have contributed to my aversion to exercising.

My experience was extremely relaxing and informative from start to finish. I felt very safe and comfortable although I was nervous to begin with as I wasn’t sure what to expect. However Sharon helped me understand the process of RTT and walked me through it thoroughly. The element of hypnosis was very powerful and allows me to access memories that I had long forgotten. The RTT allowed me to understand my core beliefs that I was unconsciously holding about myself and helped me to realise that they no longer serve me.

The outcome of RTT has given me a new outlook on how I can willingly incorporate my own version of exercise into my life on a regular basis. It has kick started my weight loss journey and I will forever be grateful for the lifestyle change it has facilitated.


I came to Sharon just a few days before I was due to take my first family holiday because I have carried around a fear of flying for many years and did not want to pass this on to my young daughter, or effect her first flight in any way. I wanted it to be full of memories, adventure and excitement.
As I began the journey of RTT it became clear that it was not a fear of flying I had but a fear of being out of control!
The journey in which we got to this point was one of deep internal reflection, and at times become very hard to not only rehash but to fully understand and release.
The whole time I felt I could open up fully due to how held and supported I felt in Sharon's space, with her reassuring words and nurturing methods I was able to come to the bottom of where my fear had come from.
I was able to face my pain head on, and for the first time, really feel like I had healed and forgiven the trauma I have faced over the years.
For the first time for as long as I can remember I was enjoying flying! I was able to have conversations with my family and others, look out the window, go to the bathroom without fear of what might happen and just let go and enjoy the start of my holiday. This is a memory I will cherish, as not only was it our first family holiday, but it was the first time I let go and fully relaxed whilst flying!
I am so grateful for Sharon and the love and support she gave in abundance. I would highly recommend to all, as sometimes what we feel may be the reason for our fears and limiting choices is not at all as it seems.


The issues effecting my life the most were Anxiety and no self confidence.

The Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions opened up and fully explained what I have been carrying around with me for the last 50+ years. I admit I was initially sceptical but couldn’t carry on the way I was, it’s been amazing learning to change my mindset, takes time and for me an ongoing process but has helped me immensely.

There were a few things that came to light from my childhood that have obviously been affecting me for all these years, one in particular I knew about but the others I had no idea. I thought I would struggle to switch my mind off and allow being hypnotised but was amazed how quickly I went under. It wasn’t scary at all and with Sharon asking me the right questions we quickly found where my issues lay.
I listened to Sharon’s recordings every night in bed before sleep initially and couldn’t believe how quickly I changed in my daily life….. as my confidence grew I remember thinking ‘is this actually me speaking’ as I would never have been like that before.

I have huge gratitude for Sharon helping me overcome something that has held me back for years.


I had Rapid Transformational Therapy for my anxiety when eating and drinking around others.  Sharon created such a comfortable and safe space that I immediately felt at ease beginning the RTT. I was taken back to significant moments in my past, some of which I didn't even expect to come up. However, it all helped make so much sense of the issues I had been having. The RTT gave me an emotional release that I really needed as well as helping me reframe my own narrative of myself and my past. Sharon has been supportive through the whole process including catch ups after the RTT which has been very beneficial.

I'm amazed how RTT allowed me to get to the core of my issue, delving into emotions I had shut myself off from, in such a short space of time. Sharon was truly caring through the whole process and empowered me to manage and reframe my anxieties. Since the session I have been in situations where eating and drinking infront of others would have usually triggered my anxiety, but I have remained calm and the moment I've felt anxious I've focused on the positive affirmations from the RTT to manage this.


I had a severe fear of flying which was starting to affect my physical and mental health. Sharon was able to identify that due to past childhood trauma I was unable to cope with situations out of my control.

From the moment I met Sharon I felt at ease. She explained the process fully and although we visited some upsetting areas of my past the situation was manageable and I never felt scared…. if anything it empowered me to sort through some things I never fully faced before. It was interesting how my past experiences were linked to my issues now

I can not explain exact how it happened but I have been able to successfully take 4 flights without chest pain, tears or uncontrollable anxiety. In fact I even fell asleep for 20 mins during one flight which I never thought would be possible. My husband and I are so thankful


I was struggling with my weight, and how I felt about myself because of my weight. This is something that has affected me for my whole adult life and many of my teenage years too. The issue I was really having was making a commitment to myself, but then easily talking myself out of it and I wanted to better understand why I have repeated this pattern so many times.

One of the things I identified, was how I felt about the things I said I was cutting out in terms of diet, and that it made me feel deprived and I associated that with similar feelings from my teens. It also helped me to gain a better understanding of myself, my feelings and my actions towards myself and to be able to change that moving forwards.

Rapid Transformational Therapy helped me to understand myself, my past and my experiences in ways that I had not realised before, which has really helped me in my everyday life to make longer lasting changes.

Sharon was an incredible therapist, really helpful, supportive, understanding, and has such a gentle manner. I found the RTT session gave me so much more clarity over things I didn't previously understand and I don't think that would have happened without RTT

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed by Marisa Peer and is a contemporary therapeutic intervention drawing upon powerful solution focused techniques including Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT and Psychotherapy to offer fast results.
