It happens to all of us from time to time. You are out and about when the day seems to get away from you and you realise that you are starving. You need to get something to eat right now, and there are no healthy options in sight. So, you try to pick the best healthy snack from a list of bad choices.
While it may not make a long term difference in your health if the above scenario happens every once in a while, but for many people, it happens on a daily basis. This scenario can easily be prevented with a little planning.
When you know you are going to be away from home for more than 2 hours, have healthy snacks prepared so you can eat on the go. Carrot sticks and hummus, apple slices and peanut butter, almonds and cashews are all easy to prepare ahead of time and take with you. Find snacks that appeal to you and are easily transported. That way you are never stuck without a healthy option when hunger strikes.
You don’t have to be a slave to fast food or the vending machine when you are on the go. With a little forethought, you can always have healthy snacks with you, helping you avoid the sluggish feeling that comes from eating empty calories.
However, if you are caught short for reasons beyond your control, below are 6 on the go snacks that you can pick up to keep you ticking over.
- Olives – They’re full of good fat (monounsaturated) and help prevent against heart disease by lowering your bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing your good cholesterol (HDL). You may struggle to pick these up in an off licence but if you’re on the road and traveling, most petrol stations will have these.
- Nuts – A good source of protein, fat, fibre and are heart healthy. Again like olives, nuts contain good fat, which is ok but also means they’re calorific. It is very easy to over consume fat from nuts so try to avoid going over board when smothering it on your carrot stick or celery!
- Snack Pot – Pret a Manger, M&S, Tesco and even Aldi are now doing little snack pots that contain a boiled egg, spinach, beans and quinoa etc… My favourite is from Tesco and contains, egg, avocado, quinoa and spinach. They’re perfect snack size and will keep me going until I’m home.
- Smoothie – I’ve had days when I can’t even stop to eat so a smoothie allows me to keep moving whilst nourishing at the same time. Whilst it’s not ideal eating on the go, sometimes life doesn’t go to plan so a liquid lunch is a perfect choice rather than a choclate bar.
- Energy Balls – Often found in coffee shops and a few petrol stations. They usuallly consist of dates, nuts, coconut oil and cocao. These would also be a healthier option than buying a brownie with your hot drink… Very tempting indeed, so these sweet little balls of yumminess are a delicious..
- Berries – High in antioxidants and fibre, these are one of the best fruits to consider for lowering blood pressure, reducing high cholestererol.
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