As December approaches and the party frock will soon be making an appearance, there’s no need to squash your internal organs with magic pants! Â Instead, try these 8 effective exercises to help you feel super slick in your dress this Christmas.
The Sumo Squat
You’ve seen how a sumo wrestler squats down. that’s your challenge here, getting your butt low! Â Stand with your feet about shoulder width and turn out your toes to approx 45 degrees. Â Hold a weighted plate at chest height and begin to drop your butt down towards your heels. Â Be sure to keep upright and keep your heels firmly down.
Reverse Flyes  
Tip forward at your hips keeping your back straight and a little bend through your knees. Â Holding dumbbells open your arm out wide like you’re flying and return to the start position. Â Try to keep your elbows straight and avoid lifting to high, just out to the height of your shoulders is fine.
Walking Press Ups  
In a plank position (long arms, knees lifted if possible) walk your right and out wide and drop the chest to a press up, return to the start and repeat on the other side.
 Prisoner Lunges
Hands clasped behind your head, elbows wide…. just like a death row prisoner. Â Take a long stride forward with your right leg, bend your knees to 90 degrees and drop into a lunge. Â Return to start position and step the same leg backwards, dropping to 90 degrees. Â Keep your chest lifted and spine upright. Â Return to start position and repeat on the other side.
The Plank 
Down onto your forearms with your knees lifted. Â Brace the core and hold for 45 seconds to a minute. Â Remember to breathe and avoid dipping your back.
Bear Crawls
As the name says. Â Get down onto you hands and feet and walk like a bear. Â Works your whole body! Aim for a good size lap and back.
Star Fish Sit Ups  
Lay on your back with your arms and feet splayed out like a star fish. Â Lift them off the floor slightly to start with then begin to sit up pulling your hands in towards your feet and bringing your knees towards your chest. Â Return to the hovered star fish position and repeat.
Cross Body Mountain Climbers  
In a long arm plank position, bring your right knee across toward your left elbow, return to plank and repeat on the other side. Â Keep the core braced, hips level with shoulders and your hands directly under your shoulders. Â Increase your speed as you get stronger.
Swan Dive   
Lay on your tummy with your arms out in front. Â Squeeze your bum cheeks together and lift your arm and legs off the floor. Â Return to start and repeat
Aim to do 10 reps of each and repeats 2-3 times
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