As a female myself entering the 3rd Age of life, the above question terrifies me. It’s one of the most common complaints I hear regarding menopause, so what exactly is causing it and how can we prevent it?

You could try typing the words ‘flat tummy’ into google, but be prepared for 20 million of offers of ‘how to get your tummy flat’ like…
> Learn Pilates
> Improve your posture
> Plank
> Wear shapeware
> Eat well
and so on…
Yes Pilates, eating well and regular exercise is highly recommended but there is more going on internally to think that diet and exercise alone will fix it. All of a sudden the ‘move more and eat less’ formula doesn’t work and we’re left frustrated with what to do for the best.
Peri-menopause occurs from around age 36 and can take up to 15 years before menopause is over. Declining Oestrogen will distribute fat storage to different places, but it tends to favour the abdominal region and viscerally around the organs.
Progesterone also reduces at peri-menopause but at a quicker rate to Oestrogen, meaning you can still be Oestrogen dominant even though both are decreasing. There is research to suggest that progesterone plays a vital role in breast health, cardiovascular health, nervous system health and brain function, therefore slowing down the decline as much as possible is hugely beneficial.
Here’s a little bio hack for you. Progesterone is produced by pregnenolone, and pregnenolone is produced mainly in the adrenal glands and brain. Stress hormone Cortisol is also produced by the adrenal glands so what I’m about to explain next is known as the Pregnenolone Steal.
You’ve heard about fight or flight? This is when our adrenal glands release adrenaline to deal with stressful situations that would normally indicate a threat to life. But what’s happening is many people are releasing this hormone because they face pressure at work, life is busy, time is restricted, sleep is deprived, juggling childcare or caring for a loved one. The stress engine is constantly being revved!

The Adrenals are pumping out adrenaline and cortisol like a fast running tap and to keep up with the demand, (because our body still thinks there’s a threat to life) pregnenolone now starts converting progesterone to cortisol. This is NOT what you want to happen to your already declining levels.
Let’s take a closer look at what prolonged and continuous release of cortisol does
> Stores body fat around the middle of your body (there are 4 times more cortisol receptors in your belly)
> Increases appetite – mainly sugar cravings for energy
> Causes a rise in Insulin release (another fat storing hormone)
> Tells the liver and fat cells to release energy
> Digestive problems occur
> Poor concentration and brain fog
> Muscles ache, particularly in the neck, shoulders and back
> Anxiety
> Depression
All the above can lead to other illnesses so the solution here is to address the root causes and adopt a mindset of better ways to deal with and manage stress. It’s at this time of our lives when movement is non-negotiable and proves to be a valuable part of our lifestyle, yet studies show women in general, are moving less.
Restorative exercise like Yoga and Pilates are going to encourage the balance of hormones and engage the parasympathetic nervous system (the opposite to sympathetic nervous system where your fight or flight response is.)
Meditation has a positive impact on reducing stress and regulating hormones. It takes commitment and consistency to calm your mind for real results. Think of it like going to the gym, one visit isn’t going to get you fitter, like one session of meditation wont get you calmer. Daily practise is required, so choose a time when you can put your full attention on it. If you’re reading this and thinking you haven’t got time for 5 minutes a day, then ideally you need an hour! That is the harsh reality.
Neuroscientist Dr Joe Dispenza explains below how we can rewire our negative and unhelpful thought patterns to assist with lowering stress and taking better control of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Coupled with the information above, there is also the environmental toxin burden to consider. The 9 causes of Oestrogen dominance are:
> Food
> Water
> Personal Care Products
> Gut Health
> BPA and other Plastics
> Heavy Metals
> Body Fat
> Hormone Replacement Therapy and Birth Control
> Chronic Stress
Each of the above needing their own detailed blog.