You read that right…. High calorie snacks we should all be eating regularly.

Not only are they high in calories, they’re also high in nutrients that will nourish your body, provide you with energy and assist in fat loss.
This will seem crazy stupid if you’re the kind of person who wants to lose weight and trim down, but I can assure you nobody gets fat from eating an avocado or a handful of nuts. Think about it, how many overweight squirrels have you ever seen??
Firstly, let me address calories. They’re not fat molocules or bad for you, they’re simply a measurement of heat and energy that is found within food. If you eat more than your body requires on a regular basis, you’ll gain weight and body fat. If you eat less than your body requires you’ll lose weight and body fat. You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, inches and body fat.
However, this is the part that gets a little confusing. If you are already in a calorie deficit and you’re not losing fat, inches or scale weight, chances are either your macros are out of balance or the quality of the calories you’re consuming is poor.
Take the 99 calorie breakfast bars for example. Although this may seem like a good option for breakfast (or a snack) because of the low amount of calories, it isn’t. A food product like this will contain low quality processed foods that will provide you with not much nourishment at all and probably contain way too much sugar or some kind of artifical sweetener. To be avoided at all costs.
On the other hand, smashed avocado with scrambled eggs will probaby set you back 350 calories. This might seem a lot and bring on a sense of panic of not being able to eat anything later in the day if all the calories are taken in the morning. I can assure you’ll feel satisfied with this option and will be less likely to pick at snacks mid morning.
With this in mind I have created a list of 10 high calorie snacks you should be consuming on a regular basis.

Technically a fruit, the avocado is high in monounsaturated fat and contains the highest amount of protein than any other fruit. Either smash one up into gauacamole or mix in some tuna for a really tasty topping for your salad.
Get’s a lot of bad press as it’s saturated fat but it’s one of the healthiest fats to consume and it tastes so much nicer than margarine. Have you ever tried putting it in your coffee? Sounds wierd I know, but American author Dave Asprey developed the ‘bulletproof‘ coffee which fuels your brain and aids fat loss. I have been drinking it for many years and love it!
Dark chocolate of 85% or more is actually very good for you. It’s one of the highest sources of magnesium and contains minerals such as iron and calcium. The high cocoa content will give you your chocolate fix and is also known to boost your mood. Initially you may find it quite bitter, but there’s a bonus right there to avoid over consumption.
Coconut Oil
Like butter, coconut oil is natural, saturated fat. The medium chain triglycerides are much easier to digest and also support your immune system. I tend to find cheaper brands leave a coconut flavour in the food I’m cooking so it’s worth spending a little more to get a good quality one. (You can also use this in your bulletproof coffee instead of butter!)
Macadamia Nuts
The high fat content in macadamia nuts is heart healthy and can assist in fat loss. However they’re calorie dense so be careful not to over consume them as approx 10-12 nuts will set you back about 200 calories! Use them as part of a healthy diet to starve off hungar, help protect your brain health and lower your risks of heart disease.
Chia Seeds
If you’ve never tried this superfood yet you’re missing out on a tonne of benefits. The most essential being they are really high in omega 3, but you’ll need to soak or mill them for it to be released. Chia seeds are used in many vegan recipes as they act very much like an egg to bind ingredients together. I like to add a teaspoon into my smoothie or spinkle in my overnight oats.
Like chia seeds, mackerel is high in omega 3 especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which is anti-inflammatory, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which is important for brain health and the nervous system. Try to eat fish 2-3 times per week to help keep cholesterol in check and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Peanut Butter
A bit like marmite isn’t it? You either love it or hate it! Personally I love it because it’s nutrient dense, therefore worth the calories. Each spoon contains a good source of fibre, protein, magnesium, vitamin E and heart healthy fats. It’s not just limited to peanuts either, you can get almond butter, hazelnut butter and cashew butter. As a suggestion I would suggest buying a good quality one with no added sugar or palm oil.
Pumpkin Seeds
The tiny flat green seeds are high in omega 3, magnesium, potassium and calcium can eaten as a snack or added to salads, smoothies and yogurts. Probably the most notable benefit to consuming them frequently is the role they play in protecting against type 2 diabetes. In an experiment on diabetic rats, tests showed the animals started to recover after feeding on a diet of pumpkin and flax seeds.
Goats Cheese
Creamy and distinct in flavour, goats cheese differs in nutrient content to cows cheese and therefore digestion differs also. Plus the fatty acids found in goat’s milk have antibacterial qualities and may help increase satiety. It’s a no brainer adding it to salads, soups and omelettes for a dose of heart healthy fat.
So there you have it, 10 delicious foods you can experiment with amd explore new tastes and textures. Just remember if you are consuming the above list. Remember not all 1 day!
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