Combat Your Pelvic Floor Weakness

Managing Those Oops Moments – Why bladder weakness isn’t an embarrassment, and how to cope.
You may know the feeling, laughing with your friends, a sudden coughing fit, or you are exercising, maybe on the trampoline with the kids, and you realise you’re suffering from stress incontinence. There is no need to be embarrassed or feel you are alone, in fact as many as 1 in 5 women suffers with urinary issues. As the fairer sex, women are twice as likely to experience urinary incontinence than men. Pregnancy, menstruation, childbirth, the menopause and the overall structure of the female urinary tract are the main culprits.
Stress incontinence is difficult to manage as it strikes without warning. It occurs as a result of movement putting pressure on the bladder, (such as laughing, coughing, sneezing or any physical exertion), and causing urine to leak. Changes during childbirth and pregnancy can cause weakening of the pelvic floor muscles which allows the bladder to lower where it sits in a position within the pelvis where it is difficult for the urinary sphincters to squeeze tightly enough. When there is physical movement, this can cause urinary leaking. Weakness in the urethra wall can also cause the bladder to sit lower in the pelvis resulting in the same issues.
If you are finding stress incontinence is becoming a concern, it is a good idea to chat to your doctor. There are a few things you can do to manage the urinary leakage. One of the ways to reduce episodes of stress incontinence is a program of gradually strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Knowing how to do the correct exercises to gain results can be difficult, so at New Dimensions Fitness Studio we have decided to introduce a new Pelvic Floor and Stress Incontinence Management Workshop. Tailored around each individual, you will understand how stress incontinence impacts on you and how you can manage your exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor and core muscles to minimise leakage episodes.

Expert Ann Howgego is delivering Diamond Pilates on 19th May at 12:45pm. The workshop is for 60 minutes and will incorporate Kegel exercises which have been proven by institutions such as the World Health Organisation to be effective in the treatment of pelvic floor weakness.

In order to deliver the best possible service and advice we are limiting the numbers to just 12 people (ONLY 4 PLACES REMAINING!)

We highly recommend you book your place as soon as possible and are offering you this exclusive Diamond Pilates session for just £10!

As an added bonus Ann is also going to be delivering Trigger Point Pilates Workshop also on 19th May 2-3pm.

This session is aimed at anyone who suffers from repeated niggling injuries or have constant pain in their knees, backs, or neck.  After a TPP class you can expect a feeling of lightness, being lengthened, freedom in your movement and a good night’s sleep..

Trigger Point Pilates aims to relieve pain and muscular tension using massage techniques combined with functional Pilates exercises. This program uses your own body weight along with equipment to bring about change in the fascia creating a soft tissue release.  Exercises are taught in a specific order to gain maximum benefits as It takes time to work through different layers of fascia.

Like the above workshop places are limited to 12 people and will require pre-booking to secure your place.  Again cost is a bargain at £10 per person.

(If you are interested in both workshops you can book them at a reduced cost of £15 for the double session.)



  • Ali Thomson says:

    Hi Sharon
    I’d like to book a place at both sessions please. I’ve tried to book and pay via the link but it won’t let me. I’ve pm’d you on messenger before I saw this email. Please let me know if you have availability.
    Kind regards
    Ali Thomson

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