You only need to walk down any high street to see we are a nation of coffee and tea drinkers. Superstores are franchising in popular coffee shop chains to serve customers their favourite beverage, but just how aware are we of what we are consuming and the affects it has on our body?
That question doesn’t just apply to tea and coffee. You could easily rack up 1000 calories a day by drinking fruit juice, sodas and alcohol, all of which can lead to dehydration, tiredness and fatique.
It’s worth knowing that your brain is 75% water, blood 92%, bones 22% and your muscles 75%, so it’s vital you hydrate each day for your body to function at it’s optimal. A quick way to test how well you’re hydrated is to check the colour of your urine.

When your body is hydrated it becomes more efficient at transporting oxygen and nutrients around, aiding digestion and getting rid of waste products. Your skin will also have a glowing appearance and more importantly, signs of premature aging are reduced.
Water is the most vital source of energy the body requires, so how much should we be drinking each day?

I normally advise around 2 litres per day but if you are exercising, living in a warm environment, menopausal, unwell, pregnant or breast feeding, you’ll need to consume more. The guideline above suggests halving your body weight in lbs, then dividing the figure by 8 and this will give you a rough idea of how many to aim for. The average adult loses about 10 cups of water per day just by breathing, sweating, urinating and eliminating waste. Add your daily consumption of tea or coffee on top and you’ve increased your chances of being dehydrated even more.
Think about what you drink on a daily basis and how many fall into the catergory below?
- Milk
- Caffeine
- Fizzy Drinks
- Alcohol
- Smoothies
- Fruit Juice
- Water
- Squash
If your top answer was water, you’re doing great! However, if you’re drinking more caffeinated, alcoholic or sugary drinks you are probably going to be suffering from some of the following symptoms:
- Insomnia
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Stomach Upset
- Fast Heartbeat
- Muscle Tremors
- Shaky
- Headache
- High Blood Pressure
A good way to stay hydrated and to get your hot drink fix is to consume hot water with a slice of lemon or cube of root ginger. More often than not I drink it on its own during the colder months, it’s much easier than cold water from the fridge.
Water is also one of the best and easiest weight loss methods going as it contains no calories and improves the effieciency of how your body functions. Looking at the image below, you can see how easy it is to drink unnecessary calories?

Think before you drink!
Top Tips
- Aim for 2 litres of water per day minimum
- Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning when you wake up
- Drink a glass of water after each caffeinated beverage
- Carry a bottle of water with you
- Switch some drinks for hot water (with or without fruit)
- Limit your alcohol intake