It’s difficult to write about anything other than COVID-19 when you’re in the middle of a pandemic and concerns about what is happening around us is overwhelming.
Undoubtably there are going to be concerns about the health of ourselves and loved ones, the virus spreading and the finacial impact it may have on us all. The threat to our mental health is just as great as our physcial health, so I urge you to take a break in your day to just breathe and have an awareness of what’s happening right now in your immediate suroundings. I have found this to be the most grounding and calming thing to do over the last few days.
I’ll be honest and say I have felt moments of panic by hearing the news, so whilst I don’t want to ignore what’s happening around me, I can control what I see, read and listen to. Removing this type of negative information and focusing on more restorative ways to stay fit and healthy, have been a blessing.
Here are just a few suggestions to help you cope with overwhelm, information over load and self isolation.
Get some fresh air – As simple as it sounds, being outside and in the fresh air is one of the most effective ways of boosting your mood and health. If you aren’t self isolating and can go for a walk, jog or cycle, I assure you it’s fantastc therapy.
Cherish family time – In the midst of all the uncertainty, when you’re home with the people you love, it’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy each others company and explore ways you can pass time. Reading, listening to music, baking, watch a movie, play board games or do a jigsaw. You could consider this time like you would during the Christmas holidays when we are happy to be at home, in a safe environment.
If this isn’t possible for you because you have symptoms and there’s a vulnerable person at home, please read the NHS website for more information.
Eat well – There’s a huge amount of panic buying going on at present and there is no need at all! Try to buy fresh food and batch cook instead. If your usual groceries aren’t there, look at alternatives. You just might end up making a meal you wouldn’t normally have and really enjoying it.
Please also be considerate to others at this difficult time. The elderly and disabled will undoubtedly find it challenging, and so will food banks. This really could affect the less fortunate much more than anticipated.
Breathe – Literally! Sit down, close your eyes and just breathe. Try to let go of any worries, thoughts, feelings and emotions that are present and bring your attention to your inhale and exhale. If you’re not too familiar with meditation, now is the perfect time to start. Just 5 mins at a time when you feel bouts of worry or anxiety is enough to engage the parasympathetic nervous system and to restore calm. This is one of the most effective techniques you can use to possitively impact your mental health.
Immunity – What other options do you have at present to improve your immune sysyetm? Firstly, all of the above do, but I like to reinforce all aspects of my wellbeing with some additional extras. Think of it like when you go out in the cold, you put on your coat and zip it up. Adding the extras like a hat, gloves, scarf and wooly socks will give you some additional protection.
The extras that I use daily are supplements and natural essential oils, my favourite being OnGuard which can support our immune system and defend against airbourne threats.
This can be used at home in many ways:
Topical: 5-10 drops with some fractionated coconut oil and massage into the bottom of the feet to release stress
Aromatic: 3-4 drops in a diffuser for 20-25 minutes at a time to help protect the body against the onset of flu, colds and viruses.
Cleansing: 3-5 drops mixed with 250 ml of water and use a cloth to clean and purify household surfaces.

The oils in this blend have been studied for their strong abilities to kill harmful bacteria, mould and viruses. The exciting thing is we can look at medical research to show how the On Guard blend can help to keep us protected (please click here for more information)
If you really want to discover how to help yourself and support your family, simply get in touch below.