A spectacular evening was had, for three amazing charities!

After successfully receiving a charity place in this years Virgin London Marathon for Make-A-Wish UK, the commitment to raise the required £2000 was on!
Two of my friends had also received charity places for Autism East Midlands and Meningitis Research Foundation. Having many mutual friends, we didn’t want to keep asking for donations three times over.
We wanted to host one big event that would hopefully raise enough money to cover all three fundraising targets for our charities and it just so happened that Valentines Day was on a Friday… Perfect for hosting a love themed fundraiser!
Between the three of us we had connections in different business industries, clients, colleagues, extended families and supportive friends. Within a few weeks the venue was booked at Park Inn Northampton along with 18 tables of guests! Our attention now drawn towards putting on an event that would be exciting and memorable.
We opened the evening with a performance from Oncore Dance Academy, followed by a heart felt video of why we chose our incredible charities. (With thanks to Blayney Partnership)
Valentine Ball HD 2 from Blayney Partnership on Vimeo.
The evening entertainment was in the safe hands of Rat Pat singer Neal Astbury who’s smooth tones and magic voice lifted the room and got the party ready for our DJ Alex Duggan.
Feeling overwhelmed by the generosity of our local community with donations, raffle prizes, auction prizes, event decor, (with thanks The Event Box) DJ, graphic design, photography and a dance school performance, it would only be right to mention the companies and individuals who helped make this event a success.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for helping us make the evening a huge success and are delighted to announce our fundraising total was £7,243.60!!
On behalf of Jade Haines, Dana Bell and myself, thank you, thank you, thank you!

With thanks to:
Anstee & Co Blayney Creative The Event Box Neal Astbury Zen Shots Photography Boom Booth Photo Booth Fundraising Auctions Alex Duggan DJ Oncore Dance Academy Draw.io