Health and fitness are all the rage nowadays, with so many people looking for the best new ways they can get into shape.
With the strange situation the world is in today, many have had to adapt to working out from home. However, lots of people have found it hard to think of workouts to do for themselves and have struggled to get the motivation to do exercise in an environment they spend so much time in. When you’ve been so used to going to the gym or doing exercise outside (which isn’t really an option anymore due it quickly getting colder and darker every night), it’s understandable that working out from home can be very daunting.
Well, exercising in your own house doesn’t have to be difficult at all, and there are actually so many benefits that it can bring to your mental health. Want to find out more? Keep reading for some tips on how you can make working out from home easier, and how you can turn it into something beneficial to your health!

Create Your Own Workout Space
It’s very important that you pick an area in your house where there is enough room for you to work out. You need to consider things such as flooring; do you need a yoga mat for better grip? Do you mind if the carpet gets sweat on it? Your best bet is finding a space with hardwood floors that are easy to clean and where there is minimal furniture that could get in your way. If you are going to be following workout videos, you also need to think about where you can position your device to easily watch the videos, or if you need to set your area up somewhere near the TV.
Your exercise area needs to be somewhere away from where you work and where you sleep, so you can mentally separate all of these different aspects of your life. If you do everything in the same space it’s going to be very hard to stay motivated because, for example, you might start to associate exercise with sleep. So, instead of working out you might find yourself starting to curl up in bed for a nap!
It is true that a clear space equals a clear mind. Having a set area where you can go and do something that’s just for you, where you can get some peace and quiet to do whatever exercise you desire, will really do wonders to your mental health. You will feel rejuvenated, calmer and full of confidence after!
An extra little thing to take note of, is that dedicating an area for working out will lead to dedication to working out!
Eliminate Distractions
Getting rid of distractions is important so that you can get on with your workout without being disturbed or interrupted. So, try to find a time to exercise when you’re home alone, or when everyone else in the house is busy. Alternatively, just make it very clear when it’s your exercise time so the kids know not to interrupt mummy!
This isn’t only good for helping you to get a full, un-interrupted workout session in, but will also be a nice bit of time that you can have all to yourself. Self-care and having that personal time to work on ourselves (such as by exercising) is so important to our mental health.

Schedule Your Exercise
One of the best ways to make working out from home easier, and to make yourself more likely to stick to it, is to schedule your work out time. This can also help you with the point above, as you can make sure you look at your timetable and schedule in your workout for a time when you know you won’t be distracted.
Working out should be a priority, not just something you fit in where you can. Incorporating working out into your timetable, just like you would do for a meeting, will make you more likely to actually do it. It will also help you to get into a routine so that working out can become part of your everyday life for the foreseeable future.
With us all having to stay indoors so much, it can be so easy to get up whenever we want, eat when we want, work when we want. However, it’s so important to keep yourself in a routine so that your life has more structure. This can also help you to feel like you have more purpose. Having things, such as a workout, planned out for the day gives you something to aim toward, which is vital to maintaining good mental health and wellbeing.
Change Things Up
With how easy it can be to roll out of bed and workout from home, it’s also very easy to get bored and fall out of the habit.
So, a good idea is to make sure you try changing up what sort of exercises you are doing to keep things interesting. So, maybe for a couple of weeks stick to doing HIIT workouts, then try some dancing exercises for the next few days. Then, how about breaking things up with some yoga?
Mixing it up prevents you from plateauing physically and mentally, which will allow you to keep that motivation to work out for longer.
There you have some essential tips for working out from home. You don’t need to let a pandemic get in the way of your fitness. In fact, why not use it to your advantage and take it as an opportunity to take time for yourself to look after your body and improve your mental health and wellbeing.

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