Menopause is a natural process that every woman will go through. The average age that most women will start menopause is about 51, however perimenopause is something that can start up to ten years before this.
Perimenopause is the first stage during the transition to menopause, when the ovaries start to produce less oestrogen – the key female reproduction hormone – leading up until the point where the ovaries stop releasing eggs altogether and menopause begins.
If you think you might be going through perimenopause, then below are some signs and symptoms to look out for and the ways of treating them.
#1 Hot Flushes
One of the main symptoms that many women experience during perimenopause is hot flushes.
Hot flushes usually occur suddenly, with your body feeling extremely warm, particularly your face, chest, and neck. It’s usually accompanied by a lot of sweating, and you might find that your skin turns slightly red.
#2 Vaginal Problems
With the decrease in oestrogen levels that happens with perimenopause, a common symptom many women experience is that their vaginal tissues lose their elasticity and lubrication.
This loss of tissue can make you more likely to experience vaginal infections and can also make intercourse uncomfortable and more painful.
#3 Bladder Problems
The loss of vaginal tissues mentioned above can also impact your bladder, with a very common symptom of perimenopause being urinary incontinence. You may also be more prone to urinary tract infections.
#4 Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Whilst menstrual cycles will still happen during perimenopause, they may not be as regular and can vary in length.
Sometimes during one of your cycles, an egg may not be released and so you won’t ovulate that month. However, pregnancy is still possible during perimenopause.
#5 Trouble Sleeping
Another very common symptom that is often linked to, and potentially caused by, hot flushes, is that many women experience troubles with sleeping during perimenopause.
You might find yourself finding it hard to get to sleep, or you may wake up in the middle of the night sweating. Generally, it is likely that sleep will be a little more unpredictable.
#6 Change in Mood
One symptom many women experience during perimenopause is changes in their mood, with an increased vulnerability to psychological distress, including depression.
It’s thought that a part of the reason for these alterations in mood seen during perimenopause is due to the sleep disturbance that can also be experienced.
All these symptoms might seem a bit daunting and scary, but they don’t need to be. There are plenty of ways you can help to prevent and mitigate these symptoms of perimenopause, so you can continue going about your day comfortably and care-free.
#1 Increase Phytoestrogens
If you find yourself struggling with hot flushes, a good way to help ease the symptom is to increase your intake of phytoestrogens. These act as mild oestrogens, and so can help to increase levels of the hormone to help reduce the amount, and severity, of hot flushes you’re experiencing.
Eating a balance of oats, carrots, apples and sesame seeds is a great and easy way to increase your levels of phytoestrogens. Alternatively a good quality supplement like doTERRA phytoestrogen lifetime complex.
#2 Herbal Medicines
Herbal medicines, such as teas and infusions, are a great way to ease perimenopause symptoms.
Herbs such as red clover and stinging nettles are used in this treatment, and they work by promoting the release of phytoestrogens which, as mentioned above, are great for increasing your oestrogen levels and therefore easing some of the perimenopause symptoms such as hot flushes.
#3 Meditation
Meditation is great for helping to manage symptoms of perimenopause, especially ones such as changes in mood and sleep disturbances.
To practice meditation, find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Then, close your eyes and really focus on how you’re breathing. You should alternate between normal and deep breathing, finding the one that relaxes you the most and then stick with that.
Breathe in, imagining only peaceful things entering your lungs and mind, then breathe out all the negativity and tension that has been building up. Repeat this 5 times, or until you feel completely relaxed.
#4 Yoga
Yoga is another natural form of perimenopause treatment that can help to alleviate stress and in turn help to reduce some of those unpleasant symptoms you’re experiencing.
The goal of yoga is to relax, find peace and to appreciate your body, bringing attention to your mind.
To give you some evidence of how great yoga can be for helping with perimenopause symptoms, 30.8% of women in one yoga pilot trial experienced a reduction in the mean number of hot flushes after 8 weeks. Yoga has also been found to help with symptoms such as sleep deprivation and changes in mood.
So, there you have everything you need to know about perimenopause, the symptoms to look out for and how to treat them. The key is to make space for some alone time where you can practice self-care and really put yourself first. Perimenopause symptoms don’t need to get in the way of you living your best life!
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