Would Your Company Benefit From A Complimentary Wellness Hour?

working woman doing yoga

In 2017, 1.3 million workers suffered from ill health and 25.7 million work days were lost to stress related illnesses.  From those statistics alone I think it’s fair to say this area of workplace wellness is in need of review to help support employees start a journey of becoming fitter and healthier inside and out. 

Our modern lives mean we are busier than ever with constant demands for our attention.  Digital technology, external influences and always being ‘on the go’ can make it really difficult for us to manage our time and switch off.  Many people feel like they are just keeping up with the treadmill of life and have forgotten how to take care of themselves, or even worse, feel they’re not important enough to.

My latest campaign to help companies like yours keep a happy, healthy workforce, teaches the fundamentals of health, fitness and wellness to improve productivity, assertiveness and creativity along with reducing stress, anxiety and depression.  

Many employees have felt the benefit from our coaching programme immediately and have shown significant signs of improved mental health, happier working environment, higher energy and concentration.  This has had a positive impact on reduced days off sick from illness and stress related conditions. 

Here at New Dimensions Fitness, we believe in a proactive, holistic approach to wellness by focusing on 3 areas:

Mindset and Mental Health – The most important aspect of the 3 areas is understanding the power of your own mind.  When you work on your inner world and change how you think, your outer world begins to change too.  Taking responsibility for your thoughts and emotions has enormous effects on your professional and personal relationships, health and fitness

Nutrition – How to nourish your body for ultimate health and longevity.

Exercise and Activity – Effective exercise that provides results and how to overcome the barriers that hold you back. 

I would like to invite you to experience one of our complimentary wellness hours to see for yourself how our programme can benefit you and your co-workers.  

To take advantage of this complimentary session please contact me using the box below, to book your time. 
