Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

When it comes to past experiences and events, sometimes holding onto the thoughts and feelings associated with them can be the one thing stopping you from moving forward.

Whether you have failed attempts at weight loss, eating healthy or maintaining a fitness routine, by letting go of all the fears and doubts you have connected to any previous attempts, creates a new beginning for you to achieve the goals you desire.

Yet many people put their attention on the wrong thing.  Rather than focusing on what is wanted and desired, many focus on the things they don’t want.  Examples of this is ‘I don’t want to be fat’ or ‘I don’t want to go out for a run’.

It’s important to know that where you place your attention is where you place your energy, therefore setting your intentions on your goals is going to create more drive around reaching them.  If you keep this focus daily, you’re more likely to make concious choices to keep you on track and less likely to choose behaviours that steer you away from where you’re heading.

Below are a few daily steps you can take to keep your energy up and your eyes on the road ahead

  1. Let go of all past emotional connections to negative experiences
  2. Start to think and act like the person you want to be
  3. Meditate and use visualisation
  4. Get good quality sleep each night
  5. Find your ‘why’ to help set your intentions
  6. Write your intentions down then read them first thing in the morning as you wake and last thing at night before you sleep
  7. Feel the emotion in each goal,  This creates your magnetic charge
  8. Even create a mind movie to help you see your future life as you’ve planned it.

By following the above steps each day, you begin to pave your future by creating the pathways your mind needs to change its thinking.  Your mind will begin to become familiar with your future desires and asperations, resulting in more awareness when an opportunity crops up.  You will no longer feel uncertainty as you begin to recognise the sequnce of real life events unfold.

This is not the same as relying on ‘willpower’ so if you’ve ever done health and fitness programmes that require strict dietting for 4-7 days, you’ll know what I mean when I mention willpower.  Think of will power like the battery on your phone.  It’s charged over night (I dont actually do this as I have an issue with fire safety) and in the morning it’s full of power, but the more you use it the lower that power becomes.  (This is typical behaviour of anyone who has spent most of their life on a diet.)

Before any lifstyle change is considered, it would be beneficial to work directly on changing your thinking.  Practise daily meditiations, making a gratitude log, journalling and practising positive writting, anything!

I am going to be covering this subject in more detail at my ‘One Day Rereat’ on Saturday 12th Jan.  If you would like more information or to book, please click the links below.

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sharon morrow
