How To Avoid Weight Gain This Christmas

It’s the day chocolate and champagne is acceptable for breakfast and how a cheese board the size of a Volkswagen is consumed like it’s calorie free.  But will that really lead to the average weight gain of 7 lbs?

sant with a tape measure around belly

No, but it could if you did this every day for 2 weeks.

In reality you’re going to over indulge a little but if you’re mindful of the following points you’ll be more likely to get away with the banquet on Christmas day.

  1. Drink Water – At the beginning of the day and as much as possible throughout the day, especially if you’re going to be consuming alcohol.
  2. Out Of Sight – If you have lots of chocolates and sweet treats in the house, try to put them away in a cupboard so you’re not looking at them every time you walk into the kitchen.  Removing them from your vision avoids the temptation to snack.
  3. Shop Online – Supermarkets are a haven for encouraging you to buy more food than you need at Christmas.  The big buckets of chocolates are on offer at ridiculously low prices and you just need another box of mince pies don’t you?  No!  Avoid this by shopping online for your groceries and only buy what you need.
  4. Fill Up On Veg – There’s going to be more social outings than usual so fill your plate with veggies to help you fill up on fibre and nutrients.
  5. Donate – Unwanted food gifts or hampers you aren’t going to eat can be easily donated to your local food bank.  You’ll be helping out others in need and saving yourself the unwanted calories too.
  6. Exercise – What better way to burn off extra indulgences is to do some regular exercise, daily if you can.  Get the whole family involved so you don’t have to do it alone.
  7. Make Your Own – A guilt free way to enjoy some treats is by making them yourself from fine ingredients and natural, alternative sugars.  Your body will thank you for your efforts by avoiding the sugar crashes and banishing cravings.
  8. Give Yourself A Break – Don’t beat yourself up about a couple of bad meals or choices.  Just start the next day with a positive mindset and aim to be better.  That’s all it takes

I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  If you want to keep motivated and on top of everything, book your FREE Transformation Session Today!

