Newsletter 24th May 2016

I hope your weekend was filled with fun and laughter. We certainly had a good time in Grantham for Tough Mudder Midlands. I have managed to edit a few clips of the day and have uploaded them to You Tube as a playlist. This way you can watch individual obstacles rather than searching through 40 mins of footage!
I say again I’m so proud of our team – the new ones for facing their fears and the legionnaires who helped the rest through. One of the reasons why I love this event so much, is the team spirit, fun and encouragement to help each other throughout, even to others who are not part of your team.
I’m excited for next years event already. The accomplishment is contagious and already members who weren’t quite ready for this years have said they will do it next year…. (You know who you are, I have it in writing too remember!) In all seriousness, the challenge is more mental than physical. Obstacles are there to frighten you, your team mates are there to encourage you!

View our video clips on my YouTube channel


In The News
Did you see or hear the news yesterday regarding the latest research on eating fat? Finally more up to date research shows that eating fat doesn’t make you fat, in fact it does the opposite. Successful fat loss come from having a balanced diet which includes fat, far too many people have cut out this food group for centuries believing it is bad for us and we’re now left with the worst public health crisis the UK and America have ever seen.
I have been coaching my clients this method for the past 5 years and have seen the health benefits in each individual quite rapidly, yet there are still so many people eating low fat and low calorie diets as a solution to better health. Sadly, this has resulted in the highest rate of obesity and diabetes ever.
The facts are your body needs fat for energy, the absorption of nutrients and maintains core temperature. Essential fat protects your heart and keeps your body healthy. The more natural the fat is, the better, as your body will utilise it more efficiently and it has no impact on the release of insulin (the fat storing hormone.)
My advise is to start by choosing full fat dairy products like natural yogurt, butter, cheese (goats cheese being healthier) and organic whole milk. Then stop the low fat, low calorie or reduced cholesterol brands and just concentrate on nutrient quality.


June Challenge
We had a few challenges since February, some more challenging than others, but after a little break since the last one, I bring you a new one!
30 Workouts In 30 Days
It can be anything from going to the gym, walking around the park, running, cycling or kettlebells at home. Just log 30 workouts in 30 days on Map My Run and complete your sessions daily. The challenge starts tomorrow so get your trainers on!

Good Luck!

And Finally…
Thought Of The Week ~ “Never stop walking on walls”

My client said this to me and I didn’t get it at first until she explained. When you’re a child you walk on walls, then as you get older you stop due to the fear of danger. Never stop walking on walls!
