Newsletter 12th July 2016

What a great weekend of sport we’ve just had, especially Andy Murray reclaiming the Men’s Singles title.  He’s had some bad press over the years and this really gets my back up with our media.  Our sportsman and women can try their absolute best, but if they don’t win they’re labelled useless, a disgrace or not described as not having enough commitment.

It’s true to say that the people you surround yourself with have an enormous impact on your own behaviour and attitude.  Imagine a day where happiness, gratitude and good was injected into every situation.  That negativity wasn’t the focus point and your challenge was to look at the positive side and solutions, rather than problems and trepidation.

Your day would be brighter, stress levels lower and generally more appreciation for others.  I read a book a few years ago by Byron Katie called ‘Loving What Is’ and I can honestly say it changed my whole out look on life.  It made me think about what kind of a person I was in every aspect of my life.  I started to live life in reality and became truer to myself without the worry or negative thoughts I once carried.  I gained control of the inner chatter, removed people and things from my life that were damaging and surrounded myself with people who were inspiring, encouraging and enabled me to grow.

If this strikes a chord with you, take the opportunity with both hands to explore more about yourself.  You will start an amazing journey, do more things and most importantly, find inner happiness.

Summer At It’s Freshest

When you’re eating fresh it’s difficult at times to keep your fruit and veg in tip top condition, so I have a few suggestions to help you out this summer;

  • Lettuces ~ Try separating the leaves, wash, dry then store in a sealed tub with some damp kitchen roll.
  • Herbs ~ Losen soft herbs like coriander, basil and parsley and stand in a jar with a little water. Loosely cover with a plastic bag and pop the coriander and parsley in the fridge, and the basil on your window ledge.
  • Tomatoes ~ Leave them on your work surface to ripen, then move to your fridge to keep fresher for longer.  They taste better at room temperature.
  • Asparagus ~ Treat them like a bouquet of flowers!  Trim off the woody ends and stand them in a glass of water to keep fresh.
  • Summer Berries ~ Keep them in the fridge or freezer.  To stop them icing in the freezer, don’t wash them beforehand.  Lay them flat on a tray, freeze, then tip into a container and re-freeze.  Wash them when they’re ready to use.
  • Beans ~ Keep them in the fridge.  To freeze, blanch them quickly and store in a sealed container.
  • Stone Fruit ~ Ripen them on your work surface then chill in the fridge.  To freeze, chop into segments, add a squeeze of lemon juice and place in a sealed container.

12 Week ‘Summer Body’ Transformation

Hard to believe at times that summer is here, it’s only when the calendar states it’s July I realise it’s true!  But, imagine yourself on the beach this summer, feeling confident, looking fabulous and wearing your beach wear with pride.
Here at New Dimensions Fitness Studio, we’ve launched the next 12 Week VIP ‘Summer Body’ Health & Wellness Transformation Programme
You can apply for your Free Session (worth £99) before the closing date on Friday 15th July. All you need to do is complete the application form here

And Finally…

Thought of the week
The future depends on what you do today.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
